Tuesday, August 26, 2014


      There's a part of me that non of my "friends" know about. But today I'm ready to share it with all of you here. This is the moment for me to accept my reality and face it to fully live my live. I hace Trichotillomania. 

       Some doctors say that it is a kind of sickness and others say that it is just an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder issue that is not necessarily a sickness. This condition is not very known, much the less here in Mexico. Trichotilomania consists on pulling ones hair in a compulsive manner. I mostly pull from my hair and my eyebrows.

       There are times when my trichotillomania  gets so bad that I get these big bald spots all over my hair. Which is why I often wear hats, caps, bandanas, and all I can get to cover my head and not look like and idiot. Fortunately, not many people around me notice it. My Trichotillomania is something that embarrass me a lot. I think that is just now that I'm starting to accept it like something that has always been a part of me and always will be. I started to manifest the symptoms when I was one year and a half, so I've lived with it more than 19 years and I'm just starting to accepting it as part of my life. I don't think this is the best thing, but my mom always tells me to ignore it and to not say that it has a name and that shouldn't investigate about it. 

     The day I found out that pulling my hair out obsessively had a name and it wasn't something that only I do and many people around the world do it too I started crying. That excited me to a level I'm not able to express. I felt like I wasn't alone and I wasn't crazy because I pulled out my own hair. Ironically, the thing I love the most about me physically has always been my hair. 

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