Friday, August 29, 2014

Who am I?

       As I had told you before, I'm seeing a psychiatrist. What I don't remember is if I also told you that I'm also having therapy sessions with a psychologist. 

       Today I had therapy, during the one hour therapy, I realized that what I want the most since I was a little kid is the approval and acceptance of my parents, especially my dad. When I did or still do something that they don't like or approve of I alway feel anxious, depressed and my it lowers my self-esteem. 

      Today I realized I shouldn't look for their approval nor their acceptance, what I should look for and is much more important than their points of view is my own acceptance and my own approval. I need to accept who I am and embrace it. 

      I can't make anyone proud or approve of me if I don't do it for myself first. I also realized that it is my life the life I am living. I shouldn't look to accomplish my parents expectations. If I'm happy and I accept myself, nothing else should matter. 

     So this is my goal for the next months: get to know myself, discover who I really am, explore anything that I love about my life and even if it takes me awhile to accept myself just the way I am. 

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